Please Mr. Bobby Nasution, Medan Is Still Vulnerable, Female Cyclists Get Robbed In The Morning

MEDAN - Another robbery took place in Medan City, Thursday, March 3 morning. The incident was experienced by a woman with the initials RS.

When confirmed, the hospital said the incident occurred while cycling across Jalan Sei Belutu, Medan City. Just then, he felt that someone was following him.

"Usually I rarely carry a bag, but I did carry a bag. At first I was driving from (Jalan) Setia Budi, right on Jalan Sei Belutu, I already felt someone was following me," said RS when contacted by VOI, Thursday, March 3.

"His position is on the left, when I want to see, he immediately pulls my bag. Thank God I wasn't dragged, the pull was strong," he continued.

RS said that the perpetrators who robbed him were 2 men who were riding motorbikes. At the time of the incident, the hospital said the street was deserted.

"The perpetrators were 2 men, riding motorbikes. My bicycle entered the ditch, I almost entered the ditch. Because it was quiet, I had 5 minutes no one helped, before 2 residents came," he explained.

As a result of the incident, the hospital suffered injuries to the neck. He explained that the perpetrator's pull was so strong that the strap of his bag broke.

"The bag strap broke, I injured my neck, the wound was wrapped around my neck, the pull was strong. What was missing were my wallet, cellphone and cards such as ID cards and ATMs. If I don't have a lot of money, I don't usually carry a lot of money," he said.

In addition, the hospital also admitted that he was traumatized by the incident. Moreover, what happened to him happened in the morning.

"It's more trauma, it's scary. It was robbed at 8 in the morning, not at night. Medan is not friendly for cyclists," he said.

But until now, the victim of the hospital has not reported the incident to the police.

Separately, the Head of the Medan Baru Police, Kompol Teuku Fathir Mustafa when confirmed confirmed the incident. At this time, he said, his party was doing the scene of the incident.

"The stealth team of the Medan Baru Police is conducting a crime scene investigation, we are currently investigating the incident. The victim has not yet made a police report," Kompol Fathir told VOI.