Experienced Engine Damage For Fishing Boat Crew Stranded In Malaoge Waters

KENDARI - The Search and Rescue Office or Basarnas Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, evacuated four crews of a fishing boat carrying fresh fish that suffered engine failure in Malaoge waters, Wakatobi Regency. Wita The Wakatobi SAR Post Rescue Team found KM Rahmat Baru and the four crew members of the ship in safe condition and the condition of the ship had entered the water. The ship was found about 4.1 NM to the south of the scene. The four crew members who survived were Laode Munapi/Male /52 years old/ skipper, Haerudin/ Male/48 years old/ crew member (ABK), La Hamati/Male/45 years old/ABK and La Jumadin/Male/ 49 years/ABK. The engine was received at around 18.55 WIT from the informant Iwan, the family of one of the ship's crew. Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi. Based on the report, at 19.10 WITA the Wakatobi SAR Post Rescue Team was dispatched to the accident site by using a rubber boat to provide SAR assistance.

The distance from the accident site to the Wakatobi SAR Post is about 16 NM with a wave height of 1 - 1.5 meters and a wind speed of 7 - 18 knots in the northeast direction. Previously, at 08.00 Wita KM Rahmat Baru 03 GT 06 with a crew of 4 people departed from Tomia Island heading to Malaoge loaded with fish. At 17:50 local time the ship suffered an engine failure with a broken propeller so one of the crew members contacted the family in Wanci to forward this information to the head of Basarnas.