Meeting Rizki Billar And Lesti Kejora, Bamsoet Supports Millennial Generation In Developing Digital Economy

JAKARTA - The Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly and the Head of the Law Enforcement, Security and Defense Relations Agency at the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bambang Soesatyo, appreciated the steps taken by the young celebrity couple Lesti Kejora and Rizki Billar and the young entrepreneur Ruddy Salim to enter the world of the Metaverse digital economy through Leslar Metaverse. Everyone can become a Lesrarian as an avatar in the world of the Leslar Metaverse.

Even Bamsoet has been made a special avatar as the supreme leader in the new life in the Leslar Metaverse.

"LESLARIAN is a resident of the LESLAR Metaverse, totaling about 8,888 avatars, and has a very futuristic character. As LESLARIAN, we can compete and enjoy other lives in cyberspace and do anything there. Including buying various digital assets in the world such as NFT and others -other. If various parts of the world have used Crypto-paying instruments such as Litirium, Bitcoin, USDT and many more, at Leslarian Metaverse we will create a domestic product to penetrate the world transaction market called $LESLAR," said Bamsoet after receiving the Leslar Metaverse lineup. , in Jakarta, Thursday 3 March.

The members of the LESLAR Metaverse in attendance included Co Founders Rizky Billar and Lesti Kejora, CEO Reza Wiratama, and Chairman Rudy Salim.

The 20th Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives and former Chair of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives in the field of Law, Human Rights, and Security explained, as the initial stage of developing the LESLAR Metaverse, the team has whitelisted the $LESLAR which was opened from 27 February - 3 March 2022. there are 45,000 participants queuing, the number is likely to continue to grow as the presale time draws near on Friday 4 March 2022 8:00 p.m. on PancakeSwap, a decentralized exchange (DEX) built on automated smart contracts used in Binance SmartChain.

"In the future, $LESLAR as well as various crypto assets developed by digital economy actors, including MSMEs, must be able to be traded in Indonesia while using domestic exchangers. So that the circulation of money occurs domestically, it is not continuously enjoyed by foreigners. Therefore we support the government through CoFTRA in compiling regulations regarding Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or Initial Token Sales (ITS). At the same time controlling exchanges that trade crypto assets outside of the 229 that have received permits, "explained Bamsoet.

The Deputy Chairperson of the Golkar Party explained that Google in the East Ventures Digital Competitiveness Index 2021 report projects that by 2025, the contribution of the digital economy to the Indonesian economy will reach 124 billion US dollars. One of them has been seen from Indonesia's e-commerce transactions which last year by Bank Indonesia were recorded to have reached Rp 401 trillion.

"Meanwhile, from trading crypto assets, the transaction value has penetrated Rp. 859.4 trillion. The potential for state revenue through taxes obtained will be enormous. It is not surprising that President Joko Widodo on various occasions, such as in the TNI-Polri Rapim and the inauguration of Sea Labs Indonesia , emphasizes the importance of us mastering artificial intelligence, cloud computing, digital design, to blockchain.

Even the President also asked experts on artificial intelligence, cloud computing, digital design, and blockchain from Indonesia who are currently abroad to return to Indonesia. Build Indonesia's digital economy ecosystem to be stronger. Don't let the huge potential of the digital economy be enjoyed by foreigners," concluded Bamsoet.