The Role Of Mrs. Tien Suharto In Empowering Indonesian Women Through Dharma Wanita

JAKARTA - Today 40 years ago, or March 3, 1982 to be precise, the wife of the second President of the Republic of Indonesia, Suharto, Siti Hartinah opened the Dharma Wanita III conference. The presence of a woman who is familiarly called Mrs. Tien Suharto gave new energy to the union of the wives of civil servants. Tien's mother advised them not to devote themselves solely to their family. However, they are expected to actively contribute to the country. The success of the general election that year, was one of them.

Ibu Tien's involvement in the women's empowerment agenda cannot be doubted. He actively speaks in various forums organized by the government. At the Third Dharma Wanita Conference, for example. During the conference, Ibu Tien expressed her hope that women would join in the struggle as agents of development.

Therefore, women are considered to be able to play an important role in the success of the general election. The goal is none other than so that the Indonesian people can achieve prosperity. Fair and prosperous. Everything is in accordance with the ideals of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

Mrs. Tien Suharto received a visit from participants of the VII meeting of Indonesian Oil Experts at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, June 7, 1978. (Photo: Archives of the National Library of Indonesia/IPPHOS)

This dedication, as described by Mrs. Tien Suharto, is proof that Dharma Wanita does not only play an active role in family affairs. But also women dare to take an important role to build the country. Women must be able to fight for the interests of the state.

Moreover, Dharma Wanita is considered the right place to guide the wives of civil servants to build the future of the country. Because, Dharma Wanita can be an important part that is able to bridge the interests of the community to the government.

“In the meantime, no matter how busy we are with organizational matters, we must never neglect our duties as good wives and as mothers of our children. Besides that, another thing that I need to pay attention to is that we should not forget our duties as members of the community in our environment,” said Mrs. Tien.

“Besides that, another thing that I think we need to pay attention to is that we should not forget our duties as members of the community in the environment around us. With Dharma Wanita members who remain close to the surrounding community, Dharma Wanita will be more deeply rooted and have a place in the hearts of the people," concluded Ibu Tien Suharto in her speech, March 3, 1982.