Fadli Zon: Gerindra Follows The People's Will, Keeps Democracy According To The Election Schedule

JAKARTA - Member of Commission I of the House of Representatives from the Gerindra faction, Fadli Zon, revealed that his party firmly rejects the idea that the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) is postponed. He said that Gerindra had complied with the 1945 Constitution which had determined the term and period of office of the president.

"In response to the circulating political discourse, the @Gerindra Party is loyal to the existing constitution according to the will of the people," wrote Fadli via his Twitter account, @fadlizon, Wednesday, March 2.

The chairman of the Indonesian Farmers' Association (HKTI) invited all elements of society and the political elite to support the 2024 General Election according to the agreed schedule to be held in February 2024.

"Let's maintain and care for democracy according to the schedule set by the law," he continued.

Previously, Gerindra respected the right to free opinion that was conveyed by PKB General Chair Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin regarding the idea that the 2024 election discourse had been postponed.

However, the discourse should not conflict with the mandate given by the people to the president, members of the DPR, MPR, DPRD, and DPD to hold positions for five years.

"In a democratic country, everyone is allowed to have a speech. But Indonesia is a state of law, we are obliged to uphold the law and the constitution," said Member of Commission II of the House of Representatives from the Gerindra faction, Prasetyo Hadi to reporters, Wednesday, March 2.

Prasetyo reminded that the discourse that is now reaping the pros and cons could become a polemic that could trigger a decline in public confidence in government policies.

"A situation like this must be observed, because this can lead to political conflict, potentially a crisis of legitimacy can arise that can spread everywhere," he said.