Vice President Ma'ruf Amin Asks For Consolidation And Evaluation Of UIII Development

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin asked related ministries and non-ministerial government institutions (K/L) to consolidate and evaluate the construction of the Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII).

The consolidation and evaluation aims to make UIII a global reference center for moderate Islam, said the Vice President when chairing the Coordination Meeting for the Progress of UIII Development at the Vice Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 2.

"I ask the Minister of Religion and the Chancellor of UIII, together with the Mendikbudristek (Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology), to conduct a feasibility study for the opening of a study program that is specifically the mainstay of UIII," said the Vice President in a statement quoted by Antara.

The development of the UIII, he continued, must be supported by the readiness of academic aspects, both preparation for lectures, lecturer status, as well as rearranging the student selection process.

The vice president also asked UIII Chancellor Komaruddin Hidayat to ensure academic readiness and other aspects related to the actual lecture plan.

This readiness, among others, is related to the clarity of the status of lecturers who have been recruited as well as rearranging student selection by following global standards, including implementing a learning management system.

The vice president also asked UIII to consult with the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (PPN/Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa and Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati regarding the fulfillment of budget needs for 2023 and 2024.

"The Minister of Finance and the Minister of National Development Planning Agency should immediately review the proposed budget for further development of the UIII campus infrastructure, especially for the fulfillment of furniture and interior needs, as well as the completion of campus area infrastructure in 2022," he explained.

Furthermore, the Vice President emphasized the importance of adjusting the planning for study program needs with UIII infrastructure development until 2024.

"UIII Chancellor, through coordination with the Minister of Religion and the Minister of PUPR (Public Works and Public Housing), to immediately adjust the UIII Campus infrastructure development plan until 2024, taking into account the needs of the study programs that will be opened," he said.

The Vice President also appealed that the function of UIII as a State University-Legal Entity (PTN-BH) can be optimized, so that its development utilizes funding sources from State Sharia Securities (SBSN) and UIII partners.

"Further UIII development can be financed by optimizing UIII's status as a PTN-BH, which does not only rely on the APBN, but can take advantage of financing sources from the SBSN scheme and potential financing through collaboration with related UIII partners," he explained.

Meanwhile, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno said that the initial goal of building UIII was President Joko Widodo's initiation so that Indonesia would have higher education institutions with an international audience, which would later be able to disseminate Islamic practices in Indonesia to the world.

"So this is more of a tool of diplomacy, not academic printing, but this is a tool of diplomacy. That then the product can be a great thinker, who continues to echo and voice the practice of Islam in Indonesia, but it can also enter pop culture," said Pratikno .

Dissemination of the practice of moderate Islamic teachings in Indonesia to the international community can be done through films, animations, games, including reference books.

"So that's Indonesia's contribution to the international community," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara said the Ministry of Finance was ready to support all the needs of UIII to immediately start lecture activities in 2022.

"For further coordination, we will hold discussions at the technical level to meet the needs. We note that for the purposes of lectures the building is relatively ready, the interior needs and learning equipment that we need to complete so that we can start lectures in September 2022," he said.