All Assets Owned By Indra Kenz Are Investigated By The Criminal Investigation Agency For Money Laundering

JAKARTA - The National Police Criminal Investigation Unit is investigating all assets belonging to Indra Kenz which are suspected to be the proceeds of the Money Laundering Crime (TPPU) in the Binomo case. Starting from the flow of funds to movable or immovable assets.

"We convey that all assets, both assets in the form of funds that have been traced to the flow of funds as well as physical ones that are related to the criminal act related to IK," said Karo Penmas of the Public Relations Division of the Police Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan to reporters, Wednesday, March 2.

If later the assets that have been traced are identified as the proceeds of crime, the investigators will confiscate them. So, later these assets will be used as evidence.

"Certainly, investigators will confiscate it," said Ramadhan.

Bareskrim previously stated that they would investigate the origins of the purchase of houses and cars belonging to Indra Kenz. The investigation is related to ML.

"Later, we will be together with PPATK friends to reveal the transaction. But we have to be careful with this, the evidence is not related. Like a car, where to buy a car, where does the money come from. Then, the house, the house must be approved first, "said the Director of Special Economic Crimes of the National Police, Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan

In addition, the Criminal Investigation Department and the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) have also blocked four accounts belonging to Indra Kesuma alias Indra Kenz. Where, the balance stored in the account reaches tens of billions.

"We have blocked 4 accounts that we have blocked. The money is there in the tens of billions," said Whisnu Hermawan.

However, Whisnu did not want to specify the amount of the frozen money from Indra Kenz's account. Only emphasized if it is still developing the case.

Development leads to the search for money laundering crimes. In fact, the search also leads to the closest people to Indra Kenz.

"Whoever tastes or receives money from the crime of money laundering will definitely be hit, including those closest to him," said Whisnu.