Video Bag, Komnas HAM Reveals Violence Against Human Cages Inhabitants At Langkat Regent's House

JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has confirmed that the occupants of the human cage at the house of the Langkat Regent, who was not active in the Publishing of the Wind War Plan, were subjected to violence.

This assurance was obtained after the team that came to Langkat, North Sumatra received a 2 minute 16 second video and recorded it live on location. Komnas HAM commissioner Choirul Anam said this video had never been circulated anywhere.

"We found one different video. These (there are, ed) two different videos circulating on social media are only 5 seconds long without sound and when we go to the field, we get (videos, red) which are 2 minutes long 16 seconds," Anam said at the press conference 'Records of Human Cage Violence at the Residence of the Regent of Langkat Off' which was broadcast on the Indonesian National Human Rights Commission's Public Relations YouTube, Wednesday, March 2.

From the video recorder, the Komnas HAM team found that there were acts of torture and violence that degraded the dignity of the occupants of the iron cage. It didn't stop there, Anam said that his party had met the families of the residents in the video.

So, with all of these findings, Anam confirms that the statement that previously stated that there was no violence in the cage has actually proven otherwise.

"In the middle of the process, it was explained that there was no violence and so on, yes, that was refuted by the video we got during the initial process," he said.

Anam also said local government agencies could not access the cage. The reason is that the existence of the place is closed and owned by public officials.

This, he continued, was discovered after his party conducted a search assisted by a number of agencies, including the Regency/City National Narcotics Agency (BNNK).

"On average local agencies that are there cannot access the existence of the cage. One is closed and the other is because it is owned by a person whose figure is not only a private figure but also a public official," he concluded.