Wow! For The 2016-2021 Period, LMAN Receives A Budget For Land Procurement For Infrastructure Development Of IDR 105.62 Trillion

JAKARTA - Throughout 2016-2021, the State Asset Management Institute (LMAN) has received funds of Rp. 105.62 trillion from the government for land acquisition for infrastructure development. The funds are sourced from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

But the numbers don't just stop there. The reason is, LMAN will still get funds of Rp. 28.84 trillion this year.

"The large budget provided through the APBN for land acquisition shows the government's commitment to accelerating infrastructure development," Deputy Finance Minister Suahasil Nazara said in the 2022 Infrastructure Webinar quoted by Antara, Wednesday, March 2.

LMAN itself in this case is assigned by the government to acquire land and pay for it so that the realization of infrastructure development can be faster.

"In the context of infrastructure development, one of the obstacles is land acquisition," he said.

Meanwhile, LMAN President Director Basuki Purwadi said that the realization of the APBN to LMAN throughout 2016 to February 2022 was Rp. 115.62 trillion because this year the disbursement was only Rp. 10 trillion out of a total of Rp. 28.84 trillion.

"We have done land funding since 2016. We can see how much the state budget and how much the state is concerned about infrastructure development is extraordinary," he said.

In detail, the APBN to LMAN in 2016 was Rp. 16 trillion, in 2017 it was Rp. 32.05 trillion, in 2018 it was Rp. 31.15 trillion, in 2019 it was Rp. 12 trillion, in 2021 it was Rp. 14.42 trillion and in February 2022 it was Rp. 10 trillion.

Of the APBN funds of Rp. 115.62 trillion, LMAN has realized Rp. 91.93 trillion as of February 25, 2022, which in detail is Rp. 11.72 trillion in 2017, Rp. 21.21 trillion, 2019 Rp. 13.88 trillion, 2019 Rp. 19.95 trillion, 2021. amounting to Rp22.86 trillion and the last Rp2.31 trillion as of February.

This realization is used for various infrastructure developments, which include 53 national strategic projects (PSN) for toll roads of Rp.

Then one PSN for raw water of Rp. 20.86 billion, nine PSN of railway lines of Rp. 2.71 trillion, one PSN of ports of Rp. 791.7 billion and one PSN of KSPN of Rp. 84.93 billion.