Allegedly Coming From Bribery And Gratuities, KPK Examined Nurhadi's House Architect

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has examined Lo Jecky, who works as an architect in connection with the alleged bribery and gratuity case in the Supreme Court in 2011-2016 which ensnared former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi.

Acting KPK spokesman for prosecution Ali Fikri said that during the interrogation, KPK investigators investigated the flow of money that Nurhadi allegedly used to design houses in the Hang Lekir and Patal Senayan areas.

"It is suspected that the funds paid by the NHD suspect to design the two houses came from bribes and gratuities he received," Ali said in his written statement, Tuesday night, September 15.

Apart from examining architects, KPK investigators also continue to investigate the flow of funds received by Nurhadi during his tenure. This investigation was carried out by examining a number of other witnesses, including Rezky Herbiyono who is Nurhadi's son-in-law and has been named a suspect in the same case.

"The RHE suspect was also subjected to further investigation as a suspect. Investigators confirmed the alleged amount of money flows received and given by Tsk RHE to and from various parties," said Ali.

Then, this anti-graft agency also examined a witness named Wilson Margatan. Although he did not mention Wilson's profession, this investigation was carried out as an attempt by the KPK to investigate the alleged flow of money from Nurhadi to various parties.

It is known that the Deputy Chairman of the KPK, Nawawi Pomolango, said that the determination of Nurhadi's status in the alleged Money Laundering Crime (TPPU) will be carried out in the near future because the exposure or title of the case has been carried out.

"There has been an exposure. Just wait, maybe in the near future," said Nawawi in Jakarta, Monday, September 14.

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Previously, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) and Lokataru urged the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to immediately develop allegations of money laundering committed by former Supreme Court Secretary Nurhadi, who is now detained by the KPK due to alleged gratification.

This pressure arose because from the data they had collected, Nurhadi had an unreasonable wealth or it did not match the official income of a Supreme Court Secretary.

In the data, at least several assets allegedly belonged to Nurhadi, such as seven land and building assets with a value of hundreds of billions of rupiah; four oil palm business areas; eight legal entities either in the form of PT or UD; 12 luxury cars; and 12 luxury watches.

In fact, based on the Decree of the Supreme Court Number 128 / KMA / SK / VIII / 2014 concerning the Special Allowance for the Performance of Civil Servants in the Supreme Court and the Judiciary Bodies under it, it is stated that the position of Secretary of the Supreme Court as echelon 1 gets a special allowance of IDR 32,865,000. Meanwhile, the basic salary for echelon 1 officials is around IDR 19 million.

With these facts, Kurnia emphasized that the KPK should not only stop at the allegation of bribery and gratuity. He continued, the anti-graft agency should have started an investigation to get into the possibility of guiding Nurhadi for money laundering.

"Not only that, the KPK is also expected to be able to investigate the potential of Nurhadi's closest parties to receive benefits for the crimes he committed," said ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana some time ago.

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