Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi Confirms 154 Madagascar Cadres, What Is It?

SURABAYA - Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi inaugurated 154 community cadres and families on fire alert (Madagascar) to coincide with the 102nd anniversary of the Fire Department at City Hall Surabaya, East Java.

"This Madagascar cadre was formed through the TP PKK. Jenengan (you) is a great person who wants to give the best for the citizens of the City of Surabaya. Because these cadres are social, they are chosen people," said Mayor Eri Cahyadi, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, March 1st.

In addition to inaugurating Madagascar cadres, Mayor Eri also launched the Madagascar application and gave awards to three personnel of the Rescue Team of the Surabaya City Fire and Rescue Service (PMKP) for their success in rescuing residents trapped in a fire in the Ngagel area of Surabaya.

After the inauguration, several cadre representatives who were accompanied by personnel from the Surabaya PMKP Service conducted a fire fighting simulation in the Surabaya City Hall yard.

Mayor Eri said the Surabaya City Empowerment and Family Welfare Mobilizing Team (TP PKK) played a role in assisting the Surabaya City Government in mitigating, stopping, and preventing disasters, especially fire disasters.

That's why, he continued, Madagascar Cadre was formed to help provide socialization of fire management at the kelurahan to RT/RW levels.

Eri ensured that the Surabaya City Government would continue to cooperate with cadres who have created goodness and charity for the City of Surabaya. "Cadres work for the benefit of the people and the city of Surabaya. Not for the interests of certain parties," he said.

Meanwhile, the Chair of the Surabaya City PKK TP, Rini Indriyani, explained that Madagascar cadres are expected to help housewives not to panic in dealing with fires. Because, the smallest scope that can help extinguish the fire is local residents.

"So, with the Madagascar Cadre, the first three minutes are the key to handling fires and must be resolved before they spread," said the wife of the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi.

According to Rini, handling the fire in the first three minutes can help reduce the number of fires in the city of Surabaya. For this reason, the Surabaya City PKK together with the PMKP Office worked together to form Madagascar Cadres, in accordance with the Central PKK program.

"The formation of this cadre is to support the Fire Alert Disaster Response Healthy Family program. During February we have conducted training for the cadres," he said.