China Is Indeed Russia's Ally But Still Thinks About The Safety Of Its Citizens In Ukraine

JAKARTA - China may take a distance from the attitude of the world which is busy condemning the steps of Russia which is still continuing to launch its attacks on Ukraine. But China is also still thinking about the fate of its citizens in Ukraine.

Russia and Ukraine have indeed started a discussion that is expected to reduce high tensions between the two countries' military forces. But the situation in Ukraine remains dangerous.

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have fled the country in droves. Those who left were mostly women because men would remain as impromptu military forces against the Russian invasion.

Quoted from Channel News Asia, Tuesday, March 1, China has started evacuating its citizens from Ukraine amid concerns for their safety due to the invasion by Beijing's ally, Russia.

Actually it's not just that. There have been reports of Ukrainians being angry with Chinese citizens because of their official stance on the Russian invasion.

About 600 Chinese students were evacuated Monday from Kyiv and the southern port city of Odessa, the state-run Global Times newspaper reported, citing the Chinese embassy in the Ukrainian capital.

They traveled by bus to neighboring Moldova under embassy guard and local police protection. The six hour journey was successfully passed safely.

More than 1,000 Chinese nationals will leave Ukraine on Tuesday for Poland and Slovakia, both EU member states, the report added.