Most Of The Regions Participating In The Pilkada Are In The Orange Zone COVID-19

JAKARTA - Deputy for System and Strategy of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Wisnu Widjaja said that most regions that participated in the 2020 Simultaneous Pilkada were in the orange zone.

The orange zone in this case is an area at moderate risk of COVID-19. Based on data from the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, this orange zone area comprises 56.96 percent of all regions participating in the regional elections.

"As of September 13, the moderate risk zone is in 176 districts / cities. This figure is up from last week's September 6, with 152 districts / cities in the moderate risk zone," said Wisnu in a virtual discussion, Tuesday, September 15.

Then, currently there are 82 districts / cities or 26.54 percent of regional elections that are included in the yellow zone or low risk of COVID-19.

Followed, there are 29 districts / cities or 9.38 percent of areas with green zones or that have not been affected or have not had new cases for 2 weeks.

Furthermore, there are 22 districts / cities or 7.12 percent of areas that fall into the red zone or areas with a high risk of COVID-19.

"The number of areas with green and red zones decreased. Meanwhile, areas with yellow and orange zones increased from last week," he explained.

For information, the 2020 Pilkada was held in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. All stages involving physical meetings are required to implement health protocols to reduce the number of corona virus cases.

Unfortunately, this application is difficult. The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) found 243 prospective pairs of candidates who violated health protocols when registering as election participants.

The violation took the form of allowing the crowd and procession by supporters of the chaplain to go to the local KPU office.

So far, the only action that can be taken by Bawaslu when there is a 2020 Pilkada candidate who violates the health protocol is only a direct warning or written warning.

Then, Bawaslu also forwarded 243 recorded health protocol violations to the police. Because, only law enforcement officials can impose heavier sanctions, namely criminal.

The criminal threat is included in Law Number 4 of 1984 concerning Infectious Disease Outbreaks and Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine.