The Attitude Of President Jokowi And The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Is Considered Right In The Midst Of The Russia-Ukraine War

JAKARTA - Members of Commission I of the DPR PKS Sukamta faction assessed that the attitude of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) who did not mention 'Russia' in their tweets regarding the war in Ukraine on Twitter, was correct and correct.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' stance is correct. The war must end immediately and all disputes must be resolved through negotiations," said Sukamta, Monday, February 28.

However, Sukamta asked Indonesia to actively mediate in the war between Russia and Ukraine.

"I hope that the Indonesian government will proactively play a role in promoting this peace," he said. According to him, the military attack carried out by Russia must be brought to the negotiating table.

"When big countries are involved in disputes, new actors are needed who will mediate or bring them to the negotiating table," he said.

The PKS legislator for the Yogyakarta electoral district said that the moment of Russia's war with Ukraine was a real test of leadership for Jokowi. Sukamta wants Jokowi to succeed in taking part in the war.

"This is an opportunity for Indonesia, which has also become the leader of the G20 to take on that role. I think the real test of leadership is here. When there is a big world crisis and it succeeds in taking the role," said Sukamta Previously, President Joko Widodo and the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not mention Russia in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Jokowi conveyed his stance regarding the latest conditions in the world through a Twitter tweet on Thursday, February 24, which was the first day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Jokowi asked to stop the war, but did not say to whom the tweet was directed.

"Stop war. This war hurts humanity and endangers the world," Jokowi tweeted.

On the same day, the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs account also conveyed the Indonesian government's position via the official Twitter account. That attitude alludes to 'military attacks in Ukraine' but does not mention 'Russia'.

"Respect for the purposes and principles of the UN charter and international law, including respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, is important to continue. Therefore, a military attack in Ukraine is unacceptable. The attack also seriously endangers the safety of the people and threatens the peace and stability of the region and the world. ," the Indonesian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Indonesia requested that the military attack be stopped and that diplomatic efforts be prioritized. Indonesia also asked the UN Security Council to take steps.

"Indonesia asks that this situation be stopped immediately and all parties to stop hostilities and prioritize a peaceful settlement through diplomacy. Indonesia urges the UN Security Council to take concrete steps to prevent the situation from worsening," said the Foreign Ministry.