2 Intan Jaya Residents Become Shooting Victims, Suspected Of Being KKB Group

JAKARTA - Two civilians were shot victims in Intan Jaya Regency, Papua. The perpetrator of the shooting is suspected to be a member of an armed criminal group (KKB).

Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal said the two shooting victims were Faturahman (23) and La Ode Anas Munawir (33).

"The victim on behalf of Fathur Rahman was shot wounded below the navel and a cut above the forehead. Meanwhile, La Ode Anas Munawir suffered a gunshot wound to his right arm," Kamal said in his statement, Tuesday, September 15.

According to him, this incident occurred at 11.00 WIT on Monday, 14 September. The two civilians were shot while in Mamba Village, Sugapa District, to be precise in the Wabogombugapa area, Sugapa District, Intan Jaya Regency.

Receiving this information, the joint TNI-Polri apparatus went straight to the location to provide assistance. Both were evacuated using Rimbun Air DHC6-400 / PK-OTJ to be brought to Mimika Regency.

"The two victims were successfully evacuated and then taken to the Timika Regional Hospital using an ambulance," said Kamal.

Meanwhile, regarding the shooting action, Intan Jaya Police have conducted an investigation. The TNI apparatus also pursued the perpetrators of the shooting.

With this shooting, adding to the blacklist of the KKB against civilians and TNI-Polri in Papua. Based on 2020 data, 46 acts of violence have been committed by KKB.

"Cases of violence by KKB that have been carried out to date, 9 people died, namely 5 civilians, 2 members of the TNI and 2 members of the National Police. Meanwhile, 23 people who suffered injuries, namely 10 civilians, 7 members of the TNI and 6 members of the National Police, "he said.