Participants Of The G20 Summit In Bali Must Adhere To The Bubble System, What Does It Mean?

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health emphasized that the participants of the G20 Summit of Heads of State and Government must comply with all health protocol flows in the bubble system during the peak event on November 15-16 2022 in Bali.

"Indonesia as the host implements strict health protocols that must be understood and implemented by all participants of the G20 meeting from their country of origin to returning to their country of origin," said COVID-19 Vaccination Spokesperson Siti Nadia Tarmizi in a written statement quoted by Antara, Friday, February 25. .

Siti Nadia explained that the Ministry of Health together with the COVID-19 Handling Task Force had made health protocol guidelines through Circular Letter No. 6 of 2022 concerning Bubble System Health Protocols in the G20 Meeting Series of Activities in Indonesia during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period.

The bubble system is a travel corridor system whose purpose is to divide the people involved into different groups. This is done by separating people at risk of being exposed to COVID-19 from the general public.

This separation is accompanied by limiting interactions only with people in the same bubble group and the application of quarantine principles to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19.

According to him, the bubble group includes bubble 1 group consisting of delegates and groups and VVIPs, bubble 2 group consisting of participants and journalists, bubble 3 group consisting of officers or event committees, and bubble 4 group consisting of supporting staff.

The G20 meeting bubble area in Indonesia is an area consisting of hotels, event locations, and other supporting facilities at every event in a series of G20 meeting activities in Indonesia.

"At the time of arrival of participants at the entrance of foreign travel, all participants are required to show a card or certificate of having received a complete dose of COVID-19 vaccine at least 14 days before departure," he said.

Nadia explained that when participants were in the bubble system area, all participants were required to show a complete vaccination card or certificate. Not only that, participants are only allowed to interact with people who are in a bubble group.

In addition, participants must carry out an antigen test before entering the G20 meeting location with negative results. They also have to undergo an antigen test routinely every day or a PCR test a maximum of once every three days and show negative results while in the bubble system area.

"Participants must carry out routine health checks every day to observe the onset of symptoms related to COVID-19," said Nadia.

He said participants who experienced symptoms related to COVID-19 were asked to immediately report to health workers for examination.

"When they return home after the G20 meeting ends, participants must do a PCR swab 24 hours before the flight," said Nadia.