KPK Alleged Rahmat Effendi Received Money From SKPD At Bekasi City Government

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) suspects that inactive Bekasi Mayor Rahmat Effendi or Pepen received money from the Regional Apparatus Work Unit (SKPD) in the Bekasi City Government.

KPK investigators investigated this allegation by examining the President Director of PDAM Tirta Patriot Bekasi, Solihat. The inspection took place today, Friday, February 25.

"Located at the KPK building, the investigator team has examined witnesses for suspect RE," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri in a written statement, Friday, February 25.

There are a number of things that the KPK has investigated from the examination of Solihat. One of them, according to Ali, was related to the receipt of money by Pepen.

"The person concerned is present and the investigative team is still investigating, among others, related to the alleged receipt of various sums of money by the suspect RE from several SKPD in the Bekasi City Government," he said.

Previously reported, Rahmat Effendi or Pepen along with eight other people were named by the KPK as suspects for alleged bribery in the procurement of goods and services as well as the auction of positions in the Bekasi City Government.

Pepen with the Secretary of the Investment Office and PTSP, M Bunyamin; Head of Jatisari Village, Mulyadi; Jatisampurna Sub-district Head, Wahyudin; and the Head of the Bekasi City Housing, Settlement and Land Office, Jumhana Lutfi, were named as bribe recipients.

Meanwhile, the four suspected givers are the Director of PT MAM Energindo, Ali Amril; private party, Lai Bui Min; Director of Kota Bintang Rayatri, Suryadi; and the sub-district head of Rawalumbu, Makhfud Saifudin.