The Ministry Of Industry Is Waiting For Reports Of Industrial Actors Affected By Flooding

JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry, Achmad Sigit Dwiwahjono, said that the Ministry of Industry is waiting for reports from industry players and industrial estates regarding the impact of the floods that hit Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek).

"For the industrial sector, we don't know what the reports are like. Still waiting for reports from each region, ”said Sigit in Jakarta, Friday January 3.

He predicts that the impact caused by flooding in Jabodetabek will not be national in nature, so that manufacturing will still run well.

In principle, he continued, industrial estate development will take into account regional technical guidelines and standards to anticipate various events, including floods, from the very beginning of construction.

"Industrial zones are usually built far from the aspects of natural disasters, such as floods and earthquakes," he said.

Thus, he believes that the existing industrial estates will continue to operate as they should.

Chairman of the Association of Industrial Estates (HKI) Sanny Iskandar said that industrial estates that are members of IPR are safe from the effects of floods that have hit Jakarta, Bogor, Depok Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) since early 2020.

"So far, no IPR members have reported the impact of the flooding on the developed industrial areas," said Sanny.

According to him, industrial estates that are really well developed and managed in accordance with regional technical guidelines and standards have anticipated various events, including floods, since the beginning of their construction.

"Yes, because the drainage system has been calculated for annual floods, its management has also been running well, starting from development," he said.

Thus, manufacturing activities in industrial estates were relatively undisturbed during the floods that hit Jabodetabek.

However, he added, the only thing that was disturbing was the access from the employees' houses to the industrial areas which were hit by the floods.

"The obstacle is the access from the employee's house to the area location. But we hope that Monday will return to normal, "he said.