South Kalimantan Police Detains MS, Husband Of The Fictitious Arisan Bandar Bhayangkari With 331 Victims

BANJARMASIN - The South Kalimantan Police have officially arrested MS, the husband of RA, a fictional online social gathering dealer who is a member of Bhayangkari.

"The person concerned has been detained, so that it will not complicate the investigation process," said the Head of the Propam Division of the South Kalimantan Police, Kombes Djaka Suprihanta, in Banjarmasin, Antara, Friday, February 25.

According to Djaka, his party is still investigating MS's involvement in his wife's online social gathering activities that led to a legal case at this time.

The status of the member of the Banjarmasin Police is still suspected until later the results of the examination by the investigators of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banjarmasin Police and the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of the South Kalimantan Police conclude from the case title.

"In Propam, we focus on internal sanctions if proven guilty while waiting for the results of the Criminal Investigations investigation," said Djaka.

It is known that RA has been named a suspect and detained at the Banjarmasin Police, for allegedly violating Articles 372 and 378 of the Criminal Code concerning Fraud and Embezzlement.

In addition, investigators are also investigating the alleged violation of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE), because the person concerned uses social media Instagram in running the online social gathering business.

Even the crime of money laundering (TPPU) was also imposed on the suspect. Investigators are trying to confiscate a number of assets belonging to suspects suspected of being related to criminal acts.

So far, the victim's loss is estimated at IDR 8.8 billion from 331 online social gathering participants who have reported it to the police.