In The Middle Of The Night, A Terrible Guest Arrives, Breaks The Door And Then Stabs The Husband Who Is Sleeping With His Wife

TANGERANG REGENCY - A man with the initials SMS (25) died by being stabbed while sleeping. Based on the police statement, there was a shoving and pushing of the door between the victim's wife, the victim and the perpetrator.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Balaraja Police, Ipda Jarot Sudarsono, confirmed the incident. Jarot said the incident took place at Bumi Housing, Asri Saga, Balaraja, Tangerang Regency, Friday, February 25, at around 02.00 WIB.

"It's true that he was killed," said Jarot when contacted, Friday, February 25.

Jarot said that that night the victim was sleeping with his wife with the initials JS. Suddenly, the perpetrator came with a gun and stabbed the victim to death.

"The point is he broke into the house, went straight into the room. When he entered the room, the knife was already open from its sheath (weapon) and the victim and the victim's wife were pushing and shoving. Pushing the bedroom door. Enter directly stab the chest, stab into the chest, "explained Jarot.

Regarding the cause of the murder, said Jarot, his party is currently investigating the case.

"Well, that's what we're still investigating. Because if we ask the wife, there is no problem. That's why we are trying to explore it," he said.

The victim is currently undergoing an autopsy at a nearby hospital. In order to find out the actual incident of the incident.

"(Now) the autopsy is being taken care of first, it will be informed later," he said

Regarding the alleged victim's debt, the police are still unable to confirm.

"(debt) So that's what we are still investigating. Because if we ask the wife, there is no problem. That's why we are trying to explore it," concluded Jarot.