This PKS Member Of The House Of Representatives Is Waiting For Jokowi's Attitude Regarding The Letter From The Boss Djarum Regarding The Jakarta PSBB

JAKARTA - Member of Commission XI Anis Byarwati is waiting for President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) 's position regarding the request of PT Djarum boss Robert Budi Hartono, who thinks that the re - enactment of strict large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) in Jakarta is inappropriate.

"Regarding the boss Djarum sending a letter to President Jokowi rejecting the PSBB in Jakarta, I think it is his (Robert Budi Hartono) right. We are waiting for President Jokowi's attitude," said Anis when contacted by VOI, Jakarta, Monday, September 14.

According to this PKS politician, a leader must appreciate every input, and be grateful for the existing input. However, not all entries must be accepted.

"That is why leaders must have a depth of knowledge, as well as accurate data to make decisions. With the depth of knowledge and accurate data, leaders can make decisions that are not like leaders if there is a little input that keeps changing," said Anis.

He said the PSBB carried out by the DKI Provincial Government was in line with President Joko Widodo's instructions, during a plenary cabinet meeting at the State Palace, September 7, 2020.

At that time, President Jokowi emphasized that the key to the economy in order to stay good is good health. So, the focus of handling COVID-19 is health problems.

"Therefore, we should support the policy taken by the Governor of DKI Jakarta. Moreover, Jakarta is a national barometer," said Anis.

According to him, the total PSBB policy will indeed affect the economy of the Capital City. However, in his consideration, the value of people's lives is far more valuable.

"The economy can be restored. The dead cannot be brought back to life. There is no economy if there are no people," said Anis.

"If the health aspect of dealing with COVID-19 can be implemented properly, economic problems will also improve," he added.

Anis said, now all parties should be willing to join hands in dealing with COVID-19 to save people's lives.

"All must unite and put aside sectoral egos in facing the problems of this nation," he said.

Budi Hartono's letter was distributed via the Instagram account of the former Indonesian Ambassador to Poland, Peter Gontha, Saturday, September 12. In a letter dated September 11, Budi Hartono conveyed input to President Jokowi regarding DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan's decision to impose a strict PSBB starting Monday, September 14.

"In our opinion, the decision to reintroduce the PSBB was not right," wrote Robert Budi Hartono in a letter uploaded to his @petergontha Instagram account.

There are two reasons for Budi Hartono to think that the strict PSBB is not appropriate. First, the PSBB in Jakarta, according to him, was not effective in reducing the growth rate of infection in Jakarta. Even though Jakarta carried out the PSBB, the positive rate of COVID-19 which was said to be the son of the founder of the Djarum company still rose.

The second reason is that the hospital capacity in DKI Jakarta, according to Budi Hartono, will still reach its maximum capacity with or no longer applying the PSBB. The regional / central government should have continued to prepare independent isolation areas to handle the spike in cases.

Budi Hartono, who is also the largest shareholder in Bank Central Asia (BCA), gave his advice on handling COVID-19. Enforcement of rules and imposing sanctions for undisciplined sections of the community in the new normal conditions must be carried out.

"The duty to impose such sanctions or penalties is the duty of the regional head, in this case the Governor of DKI Jakarta. So don't because the increasing number of cases infected with COVID-19 then the governor takes a shortcut that does not solve the real problem, "he said.

The central and regional governments, said Budi Hartono, must also jointly increase the isolation capacity of the community so that it does not exceed the maximum capacity of the ICU in Jakarta. The government is also asked to carry out COVID-19 tests, tracing to prepare isolation for those who are exposed.

"Implementing an ineffective PSBB has the potential to go against the people's desire to live a new normal, live with restrictions, wear masks, maintain distance, wash their hands and so on. People are more afraid of losing their jobs and income and hunger than the threat of contracting COVID-19, ”said Budi Hartono.

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DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan previously emphasized that the central government supports its decision to reimpose the strict PSBB.

"Yes, in terms of support, support. So the government supports it, the central government realizes a significant increase in this September. So we support and we are equally aware," Anies told reporters, Saturday, September 12.

Currently, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is finalizing regulations regarding the implementation of strict PSBB which will start on Monday, September 14 next week. Anies said that the PSBB regulations would not include provisions for mobility in and out of Jakarta.

"For outgoing mobility and other things not. But more on interactions in Jakarta," he continued.

According to Anies, the regulations being drafted contained provisions on the daily activities of the citizens of the Capital City. This rule includes loading the new habits of the community during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"So there are sectors that can still operate with limited capacities because it is proven that in that sector there are no activities that become special clusters. Most of them are in offices, therefore most will regulate in offices," he explained.

Anies explained that the reason for the strict re-enforcement of the PSBB was based on three indicators. Namely the death rate, the availability of isolation beds and a special ICU for COVID-19 and the rate of positive cases in Jakarta.

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