One Day PSBB Jakarta, 8 Companies Are Temporarily Closed

JAKARTA - The Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Agency (Disnakertransgi) temporarily closed eight companies during the tight PSBB first day today.

"In the monitoring and inspection of PSBB compliance on September 14, there were 64 companies that were intercepted and there were eight that were temporarily closed," said Head of DKI Jakarta Disnakertransgi Andri Yansyah in his statement, Monday, September 14.

In detail, there were five companies that were closed due to COVID-19 cases. Of the five companies, three of them are in West Jakarta, one in East Jakarta, and one company in South Jakarta.

Meanwhile, there are three other companies that have been temporarily closed because they do not implement health protocols such as limiting the capacity of employees working in offices to a maximum of 25 percent.

"One company that was closed because it did not operate the COVID-19 protocol was in Central Jakarta and the other two were in West Jakarta," said Andri.

In the implementation of the PSBB, Disnakertansgi lowered its ranks by 5 teams in one service clan in each administrative city. In total, there are 25 teams tasked with overseeing offices throughout DKI.

"In the 25 teams, per team we are targeting at least one day to supervise 3 offices," said Andri.

There are three factors to watch for. First, the provision of limiting employees who work in the office is a maximum of 25 percent of all employees. Second, health protocol compliance. Third, the discovery of employees who have tested positive for COVID-19.