Officers Find Sharp Objects While Searching The Detention Center In Ternate

TERNATE - Officers from the Ternate Detention Center, North Maluku, suddenly searched the room of the occupants of the detention house and found various prohibited items, ranging from dominoes, metal spoons, to scissors and cutters.

The head of the Ternate Detention Center, Sujatmiko, said that they deliberately searched it in the morning so that the occupants of the detention house could not easily read it.

"Given that the implementation of the activity coincides with the increasing number of positive additions to Covid-19, the search is still instructed to follow the Health Procedures," he said in Ternate, North Maluku, Friday, February 25.

The search was led directly by the Head of the Ternate Detention Center Security Unit, Aqbar Mansyur, followed by the night watch team and morning watch team as well as staff employees to also check-in places where it is possible to store prohibited items such as public bathrooms, parks, and exercise areas. work.

As for the results of the search this morning, prohibited items were obtained, including dominoes, scissors, cutters, nails, and metal spoons. Meanwhile, cellphones and drugs were not found this time.

Previously, when they cooperated with the police, they managed to thwart an attempt to smuggle 43 sachets of marijuana into the Ternate Prison. The drug smuggling mode was filled in bottles and then used stones wrapped in black plastic and thrown into prison.

Meanwhile, the head of the Ternate Prison, Wawan, stated that the perpetrator used the throwing method because going through the entrance would be very difficult given the strict supervision.