Danny Pomanto Describes Makassar's Economic Growth At The U20 Forum

BANDUNG - Makassar Mayor Moh Ramdhan Pomanto (Danny Pomanto) explained the economic growth of Makassar City at the Urban20 Forum, which is a series of pre-activities for the 2022 G20 Indonesia Presidency in Bandung, West Java.

"At the beginning of the 2020 pandemic, Makassar was one of the cities in Indonesia that was severely affected by COVID-19. The economic level of Makassar City was minus 1.27 percent," said Moh Ramdhan Pomanto in a written statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 24.

Danny Pomanto said that in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the community's economy immediately fell and all sectors without exception were affected because of the large-scale social implementation rules (PSBB) for mutual safety.

However, slowly in 2021, Makassar City is able to rise from minus 1.27 to 4.47 percent, where the economic movement is advancing in the field of digitalization.

"Makassar with the 'Sombere and Smart City' system is able to make economic growth return to a better direction at 4.47 in 2021 and is able to rebound 5.74 percent. This indicates that there is about a 5 percent increase in growth because it starts with minus 1 ,27 in 2020," he said.

Danny Pomanto revealed that the Sombere and Smart City system was ranked 80 in 2019 and currently Makassar has developed into a start-up alley and the Makassar Virtual Economic Center (MARVEC).

"Makassar will present a start-up aisle where MSMEs will be trained from analog to digital. Because those who can survive in this pandemic era are Unicorns who are able to adapt to community developments. Makassar will also present 1,500,000 QR Codes for residents and 300,000 QR Codes for the household," he said.

The involvement of Makassar City in the forum which was attended by representatives of the cities of Seoul, Ghuangzhou, Xi'an and Mumbai further emphasized Makassar's position which was taken into account by the world.

"Alhamdulillah, at Urban20 we are joining Xi'an City, then Mumbai and Seoul, together with Indonesian cities, there are Surakarta and Jambi. Well, this is Makassar's participation towards the G20 as the world's presidency, Mr. Jokowi. the real thing is that Makassar is taken into account by the world," he explained.

In addition to the Mayor of Makassar, also present were Bambang Susantono Vice President of ADB, Mayor of Jambi Syarif Fasha, Emillia Saiz, Secretary General of UCLG World, Mayor of Surakarta Gibran Rakabuming, Deputy Mayor of Semarang Hevearita G. Rahayu, representatives of USAID Indonesia, C40 Cities, and the Embassy. Great Britain.