48 DJs Hold A Party At Ciwidey Villa Bandung, 6 Positive People For Drugs

BANDUNG - As many as 48 disc jockeys (DJs) were questioned by police after being raided at a villa in Ciwidey, Bandung Regency. Six DJs tested positive for drugs.

The raids on DJs in Ciwidey were carried out by the West Java Police (West Java) Drug Research Unit in Ciwidey on Saturday, September 12 evening.

"Those there were examined there were 48 people. Six people tested positive for using shabu-shabu," said Head of Public Relations of the West Java Regional Police, Erdi Adrimurlan Chaniago, confirmed by reporters, Monday, September 14.

However, from an on-site inspection, the police found no evidence of drugs. The police only found a methamphetamine suction device.

From these findings, the police conducted urine tests on the DJs. The party at Ciwidey villa is not authorized.

"The party they are holding is without permission and we can see that they do not use masks according to 3M regulations. Now they wash their hands, use masks and keep their distance because it is still the COVID-19 pandemic. The six of them are currently investigating where to get the goods, ”said Erdi.