Police Revealed Stab Wounds Suffered By Sheikh Ali Jaber

JAKARTA - The lecturer of Sheikh Ali Jaber was stabbed by Alpin Andria while attending a religious event in Bandar Lampung. From the results of the examination by the team of doctors, Syekh Ali Jaber suffered a stab wound 4 centimeters deep.

"The victim suffered a stab wound four inches deep and six stitches had been stitched," said Police Public Relations Division Karo Penmas, Brigadier General Awi Setiyono, to reporters, Monday, September 14.

With this injury, investigators from the Bandar Lampung Police immediately moved to coordinate with the hospital to make a post mortem. Later the post mortem will be used as evidence.

"Then the second is to make the suspect's visum to request a medical examination related to information on mental disorders to the Bandar Lampung mental hospital," he said.

Previously it was reported that Sheikh Ali Jaber was stabbed by Alpin while attending an activity at the Falahuddin Mosque, Tanjung Karang Barat, Bandar Lampung City. Sheikh Ali Jaber was injured in his right hand which later received 10 stitches.

The stabbing took place when Sheikh Ali Jaber explained the content in the Al-Fatihan letter to the congregation. There, Sheikh Ali Jaber asked if there were any children who could read Al-Fatihan letter correctly.

Then there was one child who turned out to be able to read Al-Fatihan letter correctly. Sheikh Ali Jaber also called his son and mother to the stage. When the mother and child were on the stage, suddenly the perpetrator went up on the stage and stabbed Sheikh Ali Jaber.

Until finally, the congregation and officers who were around the location were ignoring the stabbing perpetrator. Currently, Alpin is still undergoing an intensive examination at the Polrestabes Bandar Lampung.