Awarded, Bank DKI More Enthusiastic To Run Non-Cash Transaction Program In The Capital City

JAKARTA - Bank DKI Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) won the Best BUMD On Expanding Service Integration award at the Indonesia Best BUMD Awards 2022.

Bank DKI Corporate Secretary Herry Djufraini said that this award was achieved because of the company's consistency in encouraging the implementation of non-cash transactions in DKI Jakarta through digitizing banking services.

Therefore, Herry admitted that his party was more enthusiastic in carrying out cashless transaction programs for customers in the capital city as well as various DKI Provincial Government programs that require banking access.

"This award is a driving force for Bank DKI's enthusiasm to continue to encourage the implementation of non-cash transactions in DKI Jakarta through digital banking products and services," said Herry in his statement, Thursday, February 24.

In continuing the digital banking transformation, Herry said that Bank DKI continues to develop product innovations and digital banking services through e-channel services.

One of them is the JakOne Mobile application. This application can meet the needs of modern society in transactions such as mobile banking, e-wallet, and scan-to-pay QRIS.

"Digitalization as an enabler of Bank DKI's business transformation is expected to change the mindset of Bank DKI which was previously a saving bank (product centric and selling interest) into a transaction bank that provides solutions to customer needs and builds relationships (customer focus)," he said.

As a bank whose majority share ownership is owned by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, Bank DKI is committed to continuing to support the various work programs of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and continues to increase its role in supporting development in DKI Jakarta.

"Bank DKI is also trusted to distribute various social assistance programs such as Cash Social Assistance (BST), Jakarta Smart Card (KJP Plus), Jakarta Elderly Card (KLJ) and Jakarta Persons with Disabilities Card (KPDJ) as well as the Dasawisma program," he added.