Content Creators Can Now Rely On Twitch As A New Source Of Income, Here's How!

JAKARTA - Twitch is again attracting content creators to earn reliable revenue on its streaming platform, through the Ad Incentive Program or AIP.

AIP is a new program that will pay selected streamers a guaranteed minimum monthly advertising revenue. Streamer affiliates or eligible partners will receive a notification from Twitch offering different payouts based on the number of ads run per hour and total streaming hours.

If a creator streams for at least 40 hours that month, they can receive $100 to run two minutes of ads per hour, $300 for three minutes, or $500 for four minutes.

In addition, AIP is also equipped with ad management features that control when ads are played during streaming thereby reducing distractions for viewers.

Twitch says the amount offered will vary by maker and there is no limit on the potential revenue earned.

Creators can receive additional revenue at normal rates for streaming beyond the minimum required number of hours. If content creators opt out of the program, Twitch says they can receive a prorated payment based on the number of hours of streaming.

"Having a reliable minimum ad revenue will allow you to better plan for the future, no matter what form it takes. We hope this is an important step towards empowering creators," said Twitch as quoted by The Verge, Thursday, February 24.

Apparently, AIP is a kind of universal basic income program for streamers. Unreliable revenue is one of the biggest problems for content creators.

Meanwhile, revenue from donations and subscriptions can fluctuate greatly from month to month, creating a dangerous environment for people who depend on the platform.