The Chronology of Arteria Dahlan and Sahroni's Argument at a Working Meeting

JAKARTA - Commission III DPR RI held a working meeting (raker) with Deputy Chief of Police, Komjen Gatot Eddy Pramono. This Raker agenda discusses the 2021 Polri budget.

However, there was an argument between members of Commission III of the DPR, Arteria Dahlan, and Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR, Ahmad Sahroni, the leader of the Raker.

The argument started when Arteria talked about the PDIP flag-burning incident in front of the DPR RI Building. And the polemic of Puan Maharani's statement regarding West Sumatra.

Arteria alluded to the National Police's lack of responsiveness. Including the Head of the Central Jakarta Police, during the PDI-P flag-burning incident some time ago.

"I gave an example when there was the burning of the PDIP flag. The Central Jakarta Police Chief did not know what was wrong. The Metro Kapolda didn't know. Then, it doesn't exist until now," Arteria said at the meeting, Monday, September 14.

Seeing that Arteria's conversation went off the topic of the meeting, Sahroni as the meeting leader, then rebuked his colleague.

"Mr.Arteria, this is a budget oversight function. Don't involve anything outside the supervisory function. Thank you," said Sahroni cutting the PDIP politician's discussion.

"This is an example," answered Arteria as she continued his conversation.

Instead of discussing the budget, Arteria discussed the issue of radicalism and intolerance. Besides, the conversation also spread to hoaxes and hate speech.

"If I give a little example, yesterday's cyber work must be more measured. I thank you for resolving Ms. Maharani's problem responsively, with the help of her police friends. But what about the others. We ask for the same service," he said.

"Next, how do the threats of political and social ideology work," Arteria added.

However, Arteria had not finished continuing his statement. Sahroni reminded him again that the meeting was to talk about the budget.

"Regarding other processes, I hope we can talk about it at the monitoring meeting," said the NasDem Party General Treasurer.

Sahroni further explained that the budget meeting was for Commission III to support and see the shortcomings of the police.

However, Arteria was not satisfied with Sahroni's statement. "I discussed the budget, but the Chairman is already prejudiced. Everything I said was all about numbers," he said.

"So don't get too excited about it, chairman, here are all my figures," he added.

He also said he felt uncomfortable attending the meeting. As the leader, Sahroni  was accused of not understanding the purpose of the meeting.

"At this rate, I also feel uncomfortable being led by the Chairman. People talking about the budget say I'm talking about supervision," he said.

Responding to this, he said that he had the right to remind members that this meeting was related to budget and no supervision.

"Because I am the leader. I have the right to explain that this is a budget oversight function, not a supervisory function l. The Deputy Chief of Police should go ahead, please," he concluded.