Badung Prosecutor's Office Investigate The Facts Of Alleged Corruption Of Rp130 Billion LPD Sangeh

BANDUNG - Investigators from the Badung District Attorney's Office (Kejari) have uncovered a number of authentic facts related to the alleged corruption case at the Sangeh Traditional Village Credit Institution (LPD), Badung Regency, Bali Province, with state losses reaching Rp. 130,869,196,075.68. occurred in the Sangeh LPD (Adat), among others, there were several fictitious loans, the recording of the difference in savings between the balance sheet and the nominative list and the existence of bad loans that were not accompanied by collateral," said Head of the Badung Kejari I Ketut Maha Agung in a press release received in Badung, Thursday, February 24. He explained that the results of the investigation found several weaknesses that caused the Sangeh Adat LPD to suffer losses, including the Sangeh Adat LPD not having a written standard operating procedure (SOP), both in terms of providing loans, time deposits and savings. , also the lack of competence and honesty of human resources (HR) at the Sangeh Adat LPD in compiling reports to the community In addition, the Sangeh Adat LPD does not have real time records in compiling financial reports. Human resources at the Sangeh Adat LPD are also not guided by the application of the precautionary principle in providing credit, he said.

According to him, the Sangeh Traditional LPD did not implement the Bali Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 14 of 2017 concerning the Implementing Regulation of the Bali Provincial Regulation Number 3 of 2017 concerning Village Credit Institutions in managing financial liquidity. In response to the findings of these facts, the Badung Kejari investigative team on Wednesday (23/2) held an expose and agreed to increase the investigation of the Sangeh Adat LPD to the investigative stage to further explore and collect evidence and evidence to determine the suspect in this case. The Badung Prosecutor's Office has conducted an investigation for approximately 1.5 months into allegations of corruption at the Sangeh Adat LPD.