Election Lawsuit Rejected By MK, PKB Invites Gatot Nurmantyo To Join Cak Imin Party

JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) rejected the lawsuit for judicial review of Law (UU) Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections related to the presidential nomination threshold. One of the plaintiffs is former TNI Commander Gatot Nurmantyo.

"The verdict of the trial court declares that the applicant's application cannot be accepted," said Chief Justice of the Panel of Judges Anwar Usman when reading the verdict online, Thursday, February 24. In response to this, the Deputy Secretary General of the PKB DPP, Luqman Hakim, invited Gatot Nurmantyo to join the party chaired by Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin.

Luqman explained, this invitation was in order to continue his struggle to eliminate the presidential threshold (PT) to 0 percent.

"The decision is always the same. It is rejected, and the Constitutional Court is consistent with its view that the presidential threshold is an open legal policy within the authority of the legislators, namely the DPR and the President," said Luqman in his statement, Thursday, February 24. On the momentum of the Constitutional Court's decision, Luqman offered to Gatot Nurmantyo and other plaintiffs to take the parliamentary route, aka Nyaleg.

With this route, according to Luqman, what Gatot and the other plaintiffs hoped for could be more easily realized.

"Let's join PKB," said Luqman. "I promise if PKB wins the 2024 election. One of the important agendas that PKB will prioritize is improving the electoral system, parties and legislative institutions, including eliminating the presidential threshold," he continued.