East Java Regional Police PJR And JNK Raid ODOL Vehicles On Toll Roads

MADIUN - Joint officers from the East Java Police Highway Patrol (PJR) and PT Jasa Marga Ngawi-Kertosono-Kediri (JNK) raided over dimension over loading (ODOL) vehicles at the Weighbridge of the Madiun-Kertosono Toll Road Section KM 649.

Head of PJR 6 Polda East Java AKP Puguh Winarno said during the raid, officers managed to find dozens of transport vehicles that were overloaded and did not match the dimensions.

"This operation to control ODOL vehicles aims to reduce traffic accidents and maintain the safety aspect for vehicles using toll roads," said AKP Puguh in Madiun, Wednesday, February 23.

From the results of the ODOL vehicle operation that was held for several hours, the joint officers managed to take action against as many as 25 vehicles that were overloaded and did not match the dimensions.

For transportation vehicles whose body dimensions are changed beyond the standard, they are required to return to the specified size. Meanwhile, vehicles with more cargo are given a ticket (proof of violation).

Puguh explained, there have been many accidents caused by excessive loads. This is because vehicles that are overloaded will not be optimal when crossing the highway and are even prone to accidents when walking on sharp turns or inclines.

In addition to being prone to accidents, excessive loads and tonnage that do not match the road class will damage the infrastructure of the roads being crossed.

To that end, it urges road users to obey traffic rules. Puguh emphasized that he would take action against any violator of goods transport vehicles that were overloaded.