Hot Water Boom Tour In Solok Opens Again, Visitors Will Not Be Restricted But....

JAKARTA - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of South Solok, West Sumatra will reopen the hot water boom tourist destination for the public starting next week.

"After opening, we will not limit visitors. It's just that tourists must apply health protocols such as masks," said Head of the South Solok Tourism and Culture Office, Mardiana in Padang Aro, Wednesday, February 23, quoted from Antara.

For the initial stage, he explained, the large pool has not been used, because only a small pool for children's games will be opened.

Currently, tourist destinations managed by the government of the hot water boom Sapan Malulung are subject to entry fees and become a source of Regional Original Income (PAD) from the tourism sector.

Meanwhile, the management of other tourist destinations is carried out by the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) and individuals. This local tourism management will be able to improve the local economy.

For 2022, the tourism sector is targeted to generate PAD of IDR 225 million. One of the sources of this PAD is the management of the hot water boom.

Previously, the realization of South Solok PAD from the tourism sector in 2021 only reached IDR 130 million because the hot water boom had not yet operated optimally due to the pandemic.

"The hot water boom in 2021 will close in the middle of the year, so there is still income for PAD," said Mardiana.