Experienced, Bambang Susantono Assessed PKB Strong Candidate For Head Of The Archipelago IKN Authority

JAKARTA - The name of the former Deputy Minister of Transportation, Bambang Susantono, is said to be a strong candidate for the Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority in East Kalimantan.

Chairman of the PKB DPP Daniel Johan, assessed that Bambang's figure was qualified enough to serve as the Head of the IKN Authority.

"Bambang Susantono's figure is quite capable considering his background of experience and expertise, having served as Deputy Minister of Transportation in the SBY era," said Daniel Johan to reporters, Wednesday, February 23.

The PKB legislator for the West Kalimantan constituency said that Bambang is experienced in the infrastructure planning sector, including a transportation expert. So, he considered Bambang worthy of being appointed by President Jokowi to be the head of the authority.

"And the education also has specifications in the field of infrastructure planning," said Daniel.

However, the member of Commission IV of the DPR said the decision to choose the head of the IKN authority was the authority of President Jokowi.

"We leave it entirely to the President's decision, and after the President chooses who will occupy the position of Head of the IKN Authority, it will be consulted with the DPR," he said.

However, he hopes that the figure of the Head of the Archipelago IKN Authority will not be a controversial figure s the IKN development can proceed as expected.

"We hope that the person who will fill the leadership of the IKN Authority is the right person, not controversial. So that they can carry out their duties properly and development runs smoothly according to careful planning," he explained.

"We are waiting for the official announcement from the Palace and the final presidential decision," Daniel concluded.

For your information, Bambang Susantono is not new to the government. Bambang was the acting minister of transportation, before finally being appointed as the definitive deputy minister of transportation in the Cabinet of the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono government.

The man who was born on November 4, 1963 is known as an expert in infrastructure and transportation planning. He graduated from the ITB Faculty of Civil Engineering in 1987 and earned a master's degree in urban planning at the University of California Berkeley and a doctorate in infrastructure planning from the same university in 2000.

Based on records, the former General Chair of the Indonesian Transportation Society for the period 2004-2010 had an important war in the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

The donor agency appointed Bambang Susantonp as vice president for knowledge management and sustainable development.

Previously, President Joko Widodo promised to immediately announce the candidate for the Head of the National Capital Authority (IKN) Nusantara. In fact, according to him, will be sworn in next week.

"As soon as possible, maybe next week we will inaugurate," said Jokowi after inaugurating the NasDem Tower in Gondangdia, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, February 22.

Jokowi leaked that the candidate for the head of the IKN authority in North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan, will be filled with people who are not from political parties.

"Non-political parties," he said.