DKI Transportation Agency Asks Online Transportation Applicators To Apply Geofencing So That Ojol Does Not Crowd

JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government has allowed online motorcycle taxis (ojol) to continue operating and transporting passengers during the PSBB period, which takes effect today. This includes asking motorcycle taxi drivers not to crowd at a pick-up location.

To support this ban, the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency asked the applicator to turn off the orders for ojol clustered at one location. This is stated in the Decree of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Service Number 156 of 2020 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of PSBB in the Transportation Sector.

"Application companies must apply geofencing information technology so that drivers crowding at one location do not get passenger travel orders," said DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency Head Syafrin Liputo as quoted by VOI from the SK on Monday, September 14.

In addition, Syafrin also requires base motorcycle taxi drivers to maintain a minimum parking distance of two meters between motorbikes while waiting for passengers. Including riders who crowd more than five people.

"Supervision of operational restrictions is carried out for three days since the enactment of this decision and becomes the basis for evaluating the prohibition of passenger transportation activities," explained Syafrin.

For information, the implementation of the PSBB will last for two weeks until 27 September. However, it is possible for DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan to extend this limitation.

Particularly in the transportation sector, all modes of transportation are required to limit passengers to a maximum of 50 percent of the total capacity. Meanwhile, private four-wheeled vehicles must be limited to a maximum individual carrying capacity of 2 (two) people per row of seats, except with passengers domiciled at the same address.

Previously it was reported that Gojek was ready to comply with the PSBB regulations which were re-applied by the DKI Provincial Government. Gojek has also implemented geofencing arrangements that can ensure services cannot operate in areas designated as tight control areas on a local scale (red zone).

"Gojek continues to coordinate with the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta to support the prevention of the spread of Covid-19. Gojek has also readily adapted its operations according to the conditions and needs of the community in facing the pandemic by requiring its entire ecosystem, including driver partners, to always prioritize the Maintain Health, Cleanliness and Security protocol ( J3K), "said Gojek Chief of Corporate Affairs Nila Marita in his statement.

In addition, Gojek also requires passengers to wear masks throughout the trip when using GoRide services. In addition, GoFood food delivery services, GoMed telemedicine and drug delivery services, as well as GoSend, GoMart, GoShop and GoBox delivery services continue to operate to serve the community during the PSBB period.