BPBD: 40 Residents' Houses In Sorong West Papua Damaged By Waves

SORONG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Sorong, West Papua, said that 40 houses in the area were recorded to have been damaged by high waves on February 22, 2022.

The head of the Sorong City BPBD, Herlin Sasabone, said that as many as 35 houses were damaged in the Klaligi Village, Sorong Manoi District, with a total of 194 people being displaced.

Specifically for Doom Island, Sorong Islands District, his party has not yet received official data reported by the District Office.

"However, temporary data obtained from five houses were damaged, so the temporary data total 40 houses of Sorong residents were damaged due to high waves," he said in Sorong, Antara, Wednesday, February 23.

He said that the Sorong City BPBD had also opened an aid post for handling residents who were displaced due to the high wave disaster.

He also hoped that the people of coastal areas whose houses were damaged by the waves could report to the local urban village for data collection.

"Once again, we urge people in coastal areas to remain vigilant in anticipation of subsequent high waves and be ready to evacuate to safe areas," he added.