Reaching IDR 1 Trillion, Governor Rohidin Mersyah Asks Bengkulu Regional Government Not To Hesitate To Use Village Funds

BENGKULU - The Bengkulu Provincial Government involved the High Prosecutor's Office, the National Police and the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to oversee the management of village funds for the 2022 budget year, which amounted to Rp1 trillion.

This was conveyed by Bengkulu Governor Rohidin Mersyah during the socialization of the use of village funds in Bengkulu Tengah and Seluma Regencies, Tuesday, February 22 yesterday.

"Local governments should not hesitate to use village funds because they have been directly supervised by the attorney general's office, police and BPKP and this is for the sake of accelerating village development," said Rohidin Mersyah in Bengkulu as reported by Antara, Wednesday, February 23.

The portion of village fund budgeting this year has not changed much compared to the previous year. The details of the use in general are 40 percent for the direct cash assistance program and the rest for empowerment and development within the village scope.

Rohidin said the supervision and assistance from law enforcers was to avoid doubts and even misuse of the village fund budget.

Rohidin continued, the government places the village as the spearhead of development and improving community welfare. In addition to authority, the village is also given a source of funds so that it can manage its potential and improve the village economy.

"Building a village is the same as building Indonesia, only on a village scale. The philosophy of building Indonesia from the periphery strengthens regions and villages within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," said the governor.

The governor added that currently the government continues to encourage innovation from the village. The Tourism Village and Digital Village Program is expected to be able to be translated and utilized by the village government to optimize village potential, resources, and optimize superior products. Warkop Digital, also encourages digital literacy, financial literacy, and promotion of village potential.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Seluma Erwin Octavian stated that 182 villages in Seluma were greatly helped by their development and empowerment with the village funds. He explained, since 2015 at least Rp. 1.172 trillion of village funds have been disbursed. In 2022, Seluma Regency will receive more than IDR 135 billion.

"There is still an error of IDR 7.6 billion that will be included in the 2022 APBDesa," said Erwin.

Village funds disbursed in Bengkulu Province reached IDR 1 trillion in the 2022 fiscal year, with details of South Bengkulu Regency IDR 102 billion, North Bengkulu Regency IDR 164.5 billion, Rejang Lebong Regency IDR 104.3 billion, Kaur Regency IDR 135.2 billion, Seluma Regency IDR 135.2 billion, Mukomuko Regency Rp. 114 billion, Lebong Regency Rp. 71.4 billion, Kepahiang Regency Rp. 78.2 billion, and Central Bengkulu Regency Rp. 104.1 billion.