COVID-19 Cases In Aceh Increase By 114 People

JAKARTA - The Aceh Government's COVID-19 Task Force (Satgas) said that there were 114 local residents infected with the corona virus, Tuesday, February 22, bringing the number of active cases undergoing treatment at both referral hospitals and self-isolation to 839 people.

"Most of these daily new cases were detected from the communities of the cities of Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar," said the spokesman for the Aceh COVID-19 Task Force, Saifullah Abdulgani in Banda Aceh, as reported by Antara.

He explained that 40 people from Banda Aceh were reported to be positively infected per day, 26 people from Aceh Besar, seven people from Aceh Tamiang, six people from Lhokseumawe, five residents of Central Aceh and Aceh Singkil.

Then, he said, there were four residents of North Aceh, Pidie and Sabang residents, three residents of Subulussalam, two residents of Aceh Jaya, West Aceh, and two residents of South Aceh, residents of Langsa, Bener Meriah, Pidie Jaya. , and Simeulue, one each.

Meanwhile, COVID-19 patients in Aceh who are being treated continue to grow in line with the increase in new confirmed cases in the last four weeks.

He said, currently as many as 113 COVID-19 sufferers are being treated at the COVID-19 referral hospital in Aceh. Meanwhile, 726 patients without symptoms or experiencing mild symptoms are currently self-isolating.

"We pray for COVID-19 sufferers who are undergoing treatment to recover soon, and there are no more victims of the corona virus who died in Aceh," said Saifullah. people, including 44 people from Banda Aceh, five people from Aceh Tamiang and Aceh Besar each.

Furthermore, there are two people from Pidie and Sabang, and one each from Langsa, Lhokseumawe, Bener Meriah, and Central Aceh.

"One person with COVID-19 who was reported to have died today is registered as a resident of Lhokseumawe City," he said.

Accumulatedly, COVID-19 cases in Aceh have reached 39,557 people, of which 36,641 have recovered, 2,077 have died, and 839 are in self-care or isolation.