Jokowi Who Is Amazed By The New Headquarters Of The NasDem Party: Really Can't Talk

JAKARTA - I don't know how many times President Jokowi has given praise when he sees the new headquarters of the NasDem Party, which is called the NasDem Tower. Jokowi has repeatedly praised all the lines of this new party building made by Surya Paloh.

"As soon as I entered this building, to the NasDem Tower, I was really amazed because the office of the NasDem Party is really a super-luxury office, which is complete with contents that show the desire for a change in civilization for this country," said President Jokowi, Tuesday 22 February.

Accompanied by Surya Paloh, Jokowi toured the office. And this is where Jokowi's admiration grows.

"There is a national gallery, I was shown two floors earlier. There is a library room which contains books on political movements and others, which are very complete," Jokowi explained.

"There is a war room that is ready to present any data, meaning that there is big data. This shows that the Nasdem Party is a modern party that always updates any activity, any data, in real-time," he explained.

Even Jokowi admitted that he had whispered with Surya Paloh. Jokowi suspects that the NasDem Tower may be much better than the Republican Party in America, the Democratic Party office in America, or the CCP Party office in China.

"Perhaps the Nasdem Party office is much better off. Maybe because I've never been there. Because I really can't speak properly, I can't speak. It's really a very complete office," said Jokowi, who is from the PDI-P. this.