Police Arrest 18 Kg Methamphetamine Courier And 984 Ecstasy Pills In Bali

DENPASAR - Denpasar, Bali Police Team arrested two narcotics couriers with evidence of 18 kg of crystal methamphetamine and 984 pills of ecstasy.
Two people who were arrested are Aulia Rahman (28) and Muhammad Ansar (25). Both come from Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan.
"The two suspects are drug traffickers on the national network in Bali, with a fantastic amount of evidence of 18 kg of crystal methamphetamine packaged in 128 packages and 984 ecstasy pills," said Denpasar Police Chief AKBP Bambang Yugo Pamungkas, Tuesday, February 22.
The arrests were made on Saturday, February 19 at Jalan Merdeka Raya, Badung, Bali. At the location of the arrest was found 1 kg of crystal methamphetamine.
After that, the police searched the perpetrator's boarding house and found 17 kg of crystal methamphetamine and 984 ecstasy.
"They are tasked with carrying and we are still studying and developing where the goods were obtained from," added Bambang.
From the suspect's confession, the drugs were obtained from two people with the initials F and M. Both of them promised a salary of Rp. 65 million per courier.
"Both of them have not been charged with a crime. We are still investigating. It is clear that this item came from outside into Bali and they were a gang. So with this amount of drugs they were given a reward of Rp. 65 million from this, M and F," he said.
Meanwhile, Denpasar Police Narcotics Head, Kompol Losa Lusiano Araujo, said the perpetrator was suspected of carrying 25 kg of crystal methamphetamine and more than 984 pills of ecstasy from outside Bali.
The two suspects were charged with Article 112 paragraph (2) and Article 114 paragraph (2) with a maximum penalty of 20 years.