Fulfilling Campaign Promises, Bobby Nasution Is Committed To Developing The Digitization Of MSMEs

MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution is aware that the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the MSME sector, which is one of the drivers of the economy.

Bobby Nasution admits that many SMEs have had to close their businesses due to declining sales turnover. Therefore, Bobby Nasution is working hard so that MSMEs can survive and then bounce back in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of the efforts made is to encourage the digitization of MSMEs. In addition to wanting to make MSME players survive during the pandemic, digitalization is also expected to make the products produced more known by the wider community.

Moreover, said President Jokowi's son-in-law, the MSME digitization program is one of his campaign programs. Bobby Nasution is determined to realize his promise because he wants MSMEs to develop and advance to class.

"In the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic that is still engulfing the city of Medan, MSME actors must be able to adapt by taking advantage of digitalization. In addition, the Medan City Government also has a very important role to help MSME players grow so they can survive the COVID-19 pandemic. this," said Bobby Nasution, Monday, February 21.

The digitization of MSMEs carried out by Bobby Nasution received a response from the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Medan Area (UMA), Ahmad Rafiki. According to Ahmad, the digitization of MSMEs carried out by Bobby Nasution is very appropriate.

Especially in this time of the COVID-19 pandemic that is still hitting, of course, everyone has to run a business online to survive.

"With this digitalization, we can do business even between countries. We know that MSMEs are the backbone of the country's economy, including in North Sumatra and even Medan City itself," said Ahmad.

He said that currently there are about 2 million MSMEs registered with the North Sumatra Province Cooperatives and MSMEs Office. All MSMEs, he said, need assistance in the form of training and coaching, especially coaching in terms of digitalization.

As one of the people who often researches related to MSMEs, Ahmad is very supportive of Bobby Nasution's efforts.

"What the Mayor of Medan is doing is a very concrete step. Moreover, it was a promise from his campaign first. With the development of digitalization, hopefully MSMEs will progress and develop and their products will be increasingly recognized by the wider community," he explained.

In addition, continued Ahmad, MSMEs have a domino effect on poverty, unemployment and employment. Therefore, he hopes that MSMEs can advance to class through digitalization that is carried out.

"Digitalization of MSMEs is very good to do, because MSME actors can increase their turnover so that their income increases," said Ahmad.