Mukomuko Bengkulu Resident Who Was Attacked By A Crocodile Found Dead

MUKOMUKO - Sabri (65), a resident of Tanah Rekah Village, Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu who was eaten by a crocodile in the Selagan River, Monday afternoon, was found dead by residents of this area.

"Sabri, a resident of Tanah Rekah Village, was found dead about an hour ago. It was residents in this area who found him in the Selagan River," said Mukomuko City Sub-district Head Ali Nasri in a statement quoted by Antara, Monday, February 21.

He said residents in this area together went down to the river to look for victims, then residents saw the shadow of a crocodile, but the animal ran away.

According to him, the crocodile had not pounced on the victim's entire body. But the victim's body was only buried by the crocodile.

As a result, residents in the area suffered lacerations between the thigh and calf of the right leg.

Furthermore, he said, the possible burial of the victim who was eaten by crocodiles in the Selagan River will be held on Tuesday, February 22, at a public cemetery in this region.

Ali explained that the chronology of the incidents of local residents missing in the river was when two residents in this area who worked as lokan seekers wanted to find lokan by diving in the river.

He said one of the two residents at that time was still upstairs, while the victim was at the bottom, after that his friend was surprised because no victim came to the surface.

Then there were other residents who saw from afar the crocodile rising its snout up as if there was a shape of a person in the crocodile's mouth, but it was not so clear.

"There are residents who pay attention but it's not so clear, because at that time these residents were taking care of their oil palm plantations," he said