Actually Is It Possible To Have A Personal ATM At Home Like Raffi Ahmad? This Is The Answer Of Banking Observer Adiwarman Karim

JAKARTA – A viral video showing Raffi Ahmad owning an automated teller machine (ATM) in his residence complex has attracted the attention of the wider community. It is said that Raffi became the first person in Indonesia to have an ATM machine in his own house.

The question is only one, is it possible for someone to have a personal ATM at home? In response to this, the editors tried to extract information from banking observer Adiwarman Karim.

"I can," he replied firmly to VOI when contacted on Monday, February 21.

According to him, ownership or rather the presence of an ATM machine in a private residence is very possible. The reason is, the first basis for banks to place ATMs in an area because they are considered to have high transaction potential and large value.

"Usually what the bank considers is the number of transactions at the ATM machine, because from each transaction the bank gets a fee," he said

In addition, another advantage that banks get through this facility is to increase engagement with their priority customers.

"It could also be due to the cost savings to serve VVIP customers who usually take money deposits by picking up funds at the customer's place. Now, instead of going back and forth by dropping off funds, it's better to install an ATM," he explained.

Just so you know, Adiwarman Karim is one of the figures who has had decades of experience in the national banking industry. He is also a figure who played a major role in the growth and development of the first Islamic banking institution in Indonesia, namely PT Bank Muamalat.

Furthermore, the editor then tried to ask further about this to the Chief Executive of Banking Supervision of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Heru Kristiyana. However, Heru was reluctant to provide in-depth information considering that the automated teller machine service scheme is within the jurisdiction of the central bank.

"This ATM regulates Bank Indonesia," he said.

The search was then directed to the monetary authorities in the country. However, until this news was published, VOI had not received a response from Bank Indonesia officials.

As is known, Raffi Ahmad has an ATM at his residence which is said to be a facility for his employees, RANS Entertainment. Meanwhile, the banking institution that issued the ATM was PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI).

BNI Corporate Secretary Mucharom said that the presence of the company's ATM at Raffi Ahmad's house was part of a marketing strategy to introduce BNI to the public.

"The video is a mere marketing gimmick," he told the editor.

According to Mucharom, the presence of direct banking services at the RANS Entertainment office cannot be separated from the commitment of both parties to collaborate with each other.

“BNI and RANS Entertainment have established mutually beneficial business partnerships. As is known by RANS, Mas Raffi Ahmad and Mbak Nagita have millions of followers," he said.

So, are readers interested in having a personal ATM machine at home? First, make sure you meet the main requirements: must be super rich!