16 People Hit By Arrows Due To War In Jayawijaya

JAKARTA - As many as 16 people in Jayawijaya Regency, Papua Province, were reportedly injured by arrows when they were involved in the traditional war that occurred between the people of Wukahilapok and Meagama Village.

"There were 11 victims from the two groups. On Thursday, September 9, there were 11 victims and Friday, September 11, five victims, so a total of 16 people were injured," said Jayawijaya Police Chief AKBP Dominggus Rumaropen in Wamena, the capital of Jayawijaya Regency, Saturday. , 12 September.

According to him, all injured victims had received treatment. "The doctor succeeded in removing the arrowhead fragments from the victim's body," he said.

According to him, most of the residents who were hit by arrows are currently being treated in their respective villages based on requests from their respective families.

"His family still insists on bringing them home (not being treated at the hospital). So they have been taken home to be treated at home," he said.

He said police personnel had to intervene for the two fighting groups by firing warning shots, including continuing to convey calls to end the war.

The police chief said police personnel had placed the red and white flag as a boundary so that the two groups would not cross the line and meet, and that on Saturday, September 12 the police would remain on site.

"But yesterday afternoon, because it was already dark in the forest, one of the parties burned down several traditional houses (honai) again," he said.

Based on observations, there are groups of citizens involved in the war who do not really care about the existence of the police. They remained alert and equipped themselves with traditional sharp weapons such as arrows and bows, machetes and spears.

Some residents who had previously gathered and were on standby in one place, would move when they heard a code shout from their partner who was already on standby in the forest.