14-Year-Old Child Involved In COD Modification In Tanjung Priok, This Is The Analysis Of UI Criminologist Adrianus Meliala

JAKARTA - Professor of Criminology at the University of Indonesia Adrianus Meliala said that the economic factor during this pandemic was the background for some minors to try to act anarchy. Not infrequently, children also commit crimes in order to earn instant income.

"Economic pressure related to the pandemic has prevented parents from giving pocket money or excess facilities to their teenage children. This has forced teenagers to look for money outside the home," Adrianus said when confirmed, Sunday, February 20.

In addition, communal factors are another reason for committing these crimes. "Even though they are children, there is already a communal spirit where the individual is able to be seen in the group and develop the group spirit," he said.

"It is that spirit that drives a sense of courage and determination when joining a group to attack other groups or attack people who are considered criminals," he added.

For information, the police have arrested one of the five perpetrators who carried out the Cash On Delivery (COD) mode of robbery in the Tanjung Priok area, North Jakarta. The perpetrator had the initials FM (14).

"Obviously this is a concern for us because of the many violent crimes involving juvenile offenders," said Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Endra Zulpan to reporters at the Tangerang City Government Center, Friday, February 18.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Tanjung Priok Police, Kompol Ricky Prenata Vivaldy, explained that the incident began when the victim, IT (18) COD by the perpetrator bought a cellphone, Thursday, February 17, at around 03.00 WIB.

However, when they arrived at the agreed location, the perpetrator took his friends and attacked the victim and took the cellphone brought by the seller, IT.

"The promise to COD at 3 am was shared with the location in the Kampung Bahari area. After being found, suddenly his friend came and took his cellphone. The perpetrator immediately took out a sickle and slashed the perpetrator. After getting the booty, he ran away," said Ricky.

After the incident, the victim was immediately rushed to Koja Hospital, North Jakarta for treatment.

"The victim was taken to Koja Hospital, North Jakarta. But the information is that the victim has now returned home," he said.