Still Waiting For Jokowi's Choice For Head Of The IKN Authority

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) plans to appoint the head and deputy head of the Archipelago State Capital Authority (IKN) after consulting with the DPR.
"The Archipelago Capital Authority is led by the Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority and assisted by a Deputy Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority who is appointed, appointed, and dismissed directly by the President after consulting with the DPR," reads Article 9 paragraph (1) of the Law (UU). ) Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital (IKN), as quoted from a copy of the IKN Law in Jakarta, Sunday, February 20.
Then, the President will also inaugurate the Head and Deputy Head of the IKN Authority.
Furthermore, the Head and Deputy Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority hold positions for 5 years from the date of inauguration.
"And after that it can be appointed and reappointed in the same term of office," reads Article 10 paragraph 1 of the IKN Law.
The law also states that the Head of Authority and/or Deputy Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority can be dismissed at any time by the President before his term of office ends.
For the first time, the Head and Deputy Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority are appointed and appointed by the President no later than 2 months after the promulgation of this Law, or after 15 February 2022.
Meanwhile, the central government will draw up a derivative regulation of the IKN Law in the form of a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) to regulate all provisions regarding the organizational structure, duties, authorities, and work procedures of the Archipelago Capital Authority.
"The organizational structure and filling of the positions of the Archipelago Capital Authority are adjusted to the stages of preparation, development, and relocation of the State Capital as well as the need for the administration of a Special Regional Government for the Capital of the Archipelago," reads Article 11 paragraph 2.
Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning IKN was ratified by President Jokowi on February 15, 2022 and promulgated by the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly on the same date. The IKN Law, which consists of 11 chapters and 44 articles, comes into force on the date of promulgation.
"At the time this Law comes into force, all provisions of laws and regulations that are contrary to the provisions specifically regulated in this Law and the laws and regulations governing regional government shall be declared null and void in terms of the preparation, development, and transfer of Ms. State City, as well as the administration of the Special Capital Region of the Archipelago," as written in Article 42.