According To Research, Watching Horror Movies Triggers Calmness In Facing The Pandemic

JAKARTA - Do you like watching scary movies or also known as horror movies? Fans of this film will certainly find their own pleasure while watching it. But if you're a coward, you might wonder why anyone would be willing to dig into their pockets to get the horror and excitement throughout the film. They want to know the level of fear they can tolerate, and it's not uncommon for them to feel satisfied when they are able to contain their fear.

Reporting from Psychology Today, generally people perceive fear as an unpleasant emotion. But some people actually like to trigger this fear, for example by doing bungee jumping or watching horror movies.

Many people want to test and find out how high their courage when watching horror movies. When watching a horror movie, the adrenaline will be pumped, we feel scared, but we know that we are not actually in a dangerous situation. The sensation can be an escape and help in taking the viewer's mind off the problems they are facing.

Illustration of watching a horror movie. (Photo: Unsplash)

In addition, watching horror films also has a positive impact on health, namely:

Good for immunity, when you are experiencing fear while watching horror movies, your breathing rhythm and heart rate will increase. Peripheral blood vessels will narrow, while central blood vessels will widen. Dilation of the central blood vessels will bring abundant oxygen and nutrients to vital organs. Can burn calories. A group of researchers from the University of Westminster in London found that people who watched 90 minutes of horror movies burned up to 180 calories. Uniquely, the number of calories burned is more than when we walk for 30 minutes. Helps in overcoming real fear. Everyone has the nature to always be aware of the dangers around them. Watching horror films is said to help a person to face the fear of actual violence. Can Be Calm Facing the Pandemic

Research from Coltan Scrivner, Ph.D., a student in the Department of Comparative Human Development at the University of Chicago, revealed that horror fans experienced fewer symptoms of anxiety, depression or sleeplessness. Well, if you are a fan of horror films and watch them regularly, you may find it easier and calmer to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic situation than normal people. This does not only apply to film media, but also readings such as books. Why is that?

The findings were revealed in a study conducted by the University of Chicago and carried out in April 2020, when the mood showed such great uncertainty, both about the disease and about what might happen in the future.

Researchers recruited 322 subjects and asked them about their media preferences.

To assess their emotional and psychological state during the pandemic, subjects were then asked how much they agreed with statements such as these:

I am more irritable than usual. I haven't slept well since the pandemic started. I have received the news of the pandemic calmly. I believe in my ability to get through these difficult times.

The results showed that horror movie fans were less psychologically depressed than people who liked other genres. Even when researchers controlled for individual differences, such as gender, age, personality, and their general preference for movies and television shows.

Watching horror films should not be alone. (Photo: Unsplash)

In addition to its health benefits, watching horror films also has negative effects. What are the negative impacts?

Horror movies contain psychological tricks that create the illusion of danger through video, sound, and stories. Even if the brain recognizes that it's just a movie, the body will respond to the horror movie as if it were real. When watching a horror movie, the autonomic nervous system responds by producing adrenaline. This condition will put our bodies in a "fight or flight" position or threatened. Increased adrenaline in the blood will cause several physiological changes in the body. These changes include rapid breathing, increased heart rate, dilated pupils, muscle tension, and sweating. In addition, there is an increase in the supply of oxygen to the brain and muscles. Safe Ways to Watch Horror Movies

For those of you who are cowardly, you can still watch horror movies safely by minimizing the effects. Here's how:

Choose a subgenre that you can watch, for example you can't watch horror movies about ghosts, you can choose thrillers Choose another activity. If you don't feel comfortable watching horror films, you can choose other activities that are more enjoyable, such as reading a book or watching a different genre of film. Limit yourself from watching horror films. A study shows that watching more than 2 hours per day increases depression and decreases sleep quality. If the movie you're watching is too scary, there's nothing wrong with pausing by closing your eyes or going to the bathroom. Don't watch it alone. Watching with friends or with those closest to you will make you feel mentally brave because you feel you are not alone.

Watching horror movies will have an effect on your body and mind. Therefore, it is important to be wise if you want to watch horror films.