Controlling Aquaculture, KKP Strengthens Risk-Based Supervision

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) strengthens risk-based supervision in order to oversee priority programs for aquaculture so that they have positive ecological, social and economic impacts.

"The basic foundation is the line of the Minister's policy that ecology is the commander in chief and supervision is his right hand to oversee the implementation of breakthrough programs in the aquaculture sub-sector," said Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision of the KKP Adin Nurawaluddin, quoted from Antara, Saturday, February 19. .

Adin explained that two of the breakthrough programs of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono were directed at strengthening the development of the aquaculture sub-sector, namely the development of export-oriented aquaculture supported by marine and fishery research, and the development of aquaculture villages based on local wisdom.

Through risk-based supervision, Adin requested that fishery supervisors really ensure that fish farming activities are carried out according to regulations.

"A risk-based supervision approach is carried out with the main focus on ensuring business actors carry out their regulated obligations," said Adin.

Adin further explained that in risk-based supervision there are a number of indicators to consider including spatial planning, building standards, health, safety and environmental standards, to the obligation to submit reports, use incentives and investment facilities.

Meanwhile, the Director of Supervision of Fisheries Resource Management Drama Panca Putra said that the responsibility for implementing this risk-based supervision lies not only with the Central Government, but also with the Regional Government, Special Economic Zone Administrators (KEK) and the Free Trade Zone and Free Port Concession Agency. (KPBPB).

Therefore, said Drama, his party asked the officers in the field to work together in implementing risk-based supervision in the aquaculture sub-sector.

"Synergies must be further strengthened, moreover the authority for licensing and supervising fish farming businesses is attached to a number of institutions," said Drama.

Previously, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono, emphasized the importance of the role of supervising marine and fishery resources to ensure that the implementation of KKP priority programs is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

Minister Trenggono also asked for strict supervision efforts to encourage compliance by business actors in the marine and fisheries sector.