Good News, Trade Minister Lutfi Ensures 24 Hours Of Staff Maintain Availability Of Cooking Oil

JAKARTA - The Minister of Trade (Mendag) Muhammad Lutfi continued surprise inspections (sidak) to a number of areas in the country, ensuring the availability of cooking oil for the community. Minister of Trade Lutfi ordered the Ministry of Trade Team to continue monitoring and monitoring the field for 24 hours throughout the province so that people can get cooking oil at affordable prices. This action was appreciated by the DPR and economists.

"I have ordered the Ministry of Trade Team to continue monitoring and monitoring the field for 24 hours throughout the province so that there are no more obstacles and obstacles to the distribution of cooking oil encountered in the field, and the supply of cooking oil at affordable prices can be made available to the public," he said in Surabaya. , Friday February 18th.

In a follow-up inspection, the Minister of Trade Lutfi accompanied by the ranks of the Ministry of Trade, and the Deputy Mayor of Surabaya Armuji, discovered several distribution problems in the field which caused the price of cooking oil in the City of Heroes to remain high. He was surprised to hear the explanations of the merchants.

"Yesterday, I went to Makassar. The goods are there and the prices are affordable. The prices should be affordable in Surabaya. Because this is a hub for processing and distributing cooking oil," explained Lutfi at Tambak Rejo Market.

On that occasion, he visited a number of traders directly to discuss the development of a number of basic needs, especially cooking oil. The result is quite surprising. The price of bulk cooking oil in Surabaya is actually more expensive than in Makassar.

He said the price of cooking oil sold at Tambak Rejo Market was unreasonable. Besides being expensive, the goods are rather difficult, even though according to data from the Ministry of Trade, the supply of cooking oil that has been realized in East Java as of February 18, 2022 is 14 million liters.

Data from the Ministry of Trade also noted that 73 million liters of cooking oil had been poured over the last 4 days for national needs.

"I have ordered to stock up trucks of bulk cooking oil for Rp. 10,500 per liter for traders in this market. So that the price sold to the public is not more than Rp. 11,500 per liter," said the Trade Minister, to the applause of traders and market visitors.

Then, within 1 hour, two trucks of cooking oil tankers arrived. One of the market managers made an announcement. Carrying a loudspeaker, the man toured the market.

"The cooking oil truck has arrived, the price is Rp. 10,500 per liter. According to the order of the minister of trade, it sells for Rp. 11,500 per liter. Keep the health protocols. Wear masks, keep your distance," the Trade Minister ordered.

This finding prompted Lutfi and his team from the Ministry of Trade to immediately inspect distribution warehouses, distributors and retailers. From Surabaya, the team led by Lutfi headed to Sidoarjo, East Java.

The team arrived at a PT Cipta Perjasa Oleindo (CPO) factory on Jl Surowongso 152 Karangbong, Gedangan, Sidoarjo, one of the largest cooking oil distributors in East Java. From the inspection results, the Trade Minister found thousands of cardboard boxes containing packaged cooking oil.

The Trade Minister at the inspection, which was drenched in rain, asked the CPO leadership to pour out the stock of packaged cooking oil in his warehouse to the market.

Support firmly

Member of Commission VI of the DPR, Siti Mukaromah highlighted the actions of the Minister of Trade Lutfi. He agrees, it takes cooperation from all elements, both from the government, oil business actors and the community as well as distributors and sellers because everything is sustainable and related.

He emphasized that he agreed to the application of legal sanctions for hoarders. He appreciated the Minister of Trade's affirmation of the sanctions.

"The inspection is to provide justice for all parties. The inspection is intended because there is hoarding, then the government gives a warning or takes firm action. I totally agree because hoarding is detrimental to the community," he said, Friday.

Meanwhile, the Main Expert Staff of the Presidential Staff Office, Edy Priyono, supports the Ministry of Trade to cut or shorten the waiting time for filling cooking oil stocks at minimarket or supermarket chains.

Edy said that modern retail networks have complied with government regulations by selling cooking oil at the highest retail price (HET). On the other hand, there is a shortage of stock in many supermarkets, mainly because many people are buying in excess.

"We urge the public to buy oil as needed and not to overdo it because it will only worsen the situation," said Edy.