Here's How To Save Internet Quota During WFH

JAKARTA - Reportedly, Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) will be re-implemented on September 14. It is undeniable that office workers are returning to Work From Home (WFH) in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Of course, an internet connection is needed to support activities.

Workers doing WFH can use the internet via a cellphone connection by utilizing a quota. However, there must be smart tips so as not to waste internet quota or explode mobile internet bills at the end of the month.

The following are things that need to be considered so as not to be wasteful in using internet quota at home.

1. Tighten Data Consumption

Not a few of mobile users are aware that some applications can suck up internet quota. For example, you might not know that sometimes the Google Photos app will sync photos automatically, which will be displayed on your phone's background.

Likewise, social media applications such as Facebook and Instagram. Both often charge a lot of Internet data, especially to open content or watch videos from there. For that, you can limit your use of social media per day to save internet quota.

To do this, open the Settings menu, then go to Data Usage, you can see which applications are using the most data, either in the foreground or in the background.

2. Take advantage of Wi-Fi services

Wi-Fi service is often an option when cellphone users want to save quota, instead of using a hotspot connected to a laptop, it will drain the quota and even cellphone power.

However, it should also be noted that if you use Wi-Fi, you have to choose a package per month but based on the unlimited that has been set. So that the internet bill at the end of the month does not increase drastically.

3. Limit Video Streaming

Getting bored at work or having time off often makes us spend time watching videos on YouTube and other platforms. Streaming services are now very abundant, so you are presented with many choices that are quite tempting.

Unfortunately by using this application your internet quota will run out quickly. Tips, try to download your favorite content using Wi-Fi and save it on the storage on the smartphone first. If the internal memory is insufficient, use a microSD.

4. Not Playing Games Too Often

Playing games is okay, but still within reasonable limits. Besides being able to interfere with your unfinished work, online games can also waste your quota. For that you have to hold back that desire. You can schedule yourself when it's time to play the game.

Apart from that, another powerful way is that you can use games that don't need internet access during the gameplay.

5. Data compression in Chrome

In fact, until recently Google Chrome is one of the most popular browsers. If we are observant, Chrome has a built-in feature to significantly reduce or compress internet quota.

When data compression is turned on, data transmission and traffic are routed through proxies from Google. Your data quota will be suppressed and optimized before sending it to your device or laptop. As a result, this will save your quota and increase your internet speed.

To do this, you need to set data compression in Chrome by going to Settings in the Google Chrome application, then looking for Data Saving or Data Saver, then turning it on.